YOKOGAWA TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser (TDLS220)

YOKOGAWA TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser (TDLS220)

The TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS220) Analyzer, is specifically designed for accurate, reliable and low maintenance measurement of volume percent (vol%) oxygen in process gas streams.

The TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS220) Analyzer, is capable of measuring Oxygen in a variety of process applications with gas temperatures up to 120 °C and pressures up to 100 psi under difficult conditions (corrosive and aggressive service).

The TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS220) Analyzer is one of the most robust oxygen analyzers available.

Measurements are rapid (5 seconds) and interference free, offering improved accuracy when compared to other oxygen analyzers.

The TruePeak Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS220) Analyzer (or TDLS) measurements are based on absorption spectroscopy. The TDLS220 TruePeak Analyzer is a TDLS system and operates by measuring the amount of laser light that is absorbed (lost) as it travels through the gas being measured.

In the simplest form a Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy (TDLS) analyzer consists of a laser that produces infrared light, optical lenses to focus the laser light through the gas to be measured and then on to a detector, the detector, and electronics that control the laser and translate the detector signal into a signal representing the gas concentration.


  • Fast Response (5 or 10 seconds)
  • No know interface
  • TruePeak measurement is capable of measuring under changing pressure with active input for live compensation. The measurements are not affected by background composition changes.
  • Process Pressures up to 100 psi
  • Process Temperature controllable up to 120°C
  • Optical Measurement, no sensor contact with process
  • No moving parts
  • On board diagnostics


 General Specification Sheet

 Instruction Manual
